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Ramón de Vries | Ramón de Vries

Surf smart

The internet is a vast source of information and entertainment. You have to control your surfing in a smart way. Otherwise you will loose your precious time. One of my ways of smarter surfing is blocking most of my sinful and wasting websites. Especially the website...

Start anew

I slipped in to a rot. Slowly, step by step my situation got worse. Somehow I did not notice it, and it sneak up to me. Now I stop this situation and start anew. A new challenge and a new project. To stop the decay and renew myself. Today I decided to start anew....

Take pictures

Taking pictures doesn’t cost as much as it used to cost. You had to buy a film and when done develop the pictures. This process had a hefty price tag. That’s one of the reasons I don’t have that many pictures of my youth. But now it is basically free...

Educate yourself

As Jim Rohn said it nicely: “Formal Education will make you an living, Self Education will make you fortune.” I did not stop learning after finishing university, I really started to learn after discovering a vast amount of interesting...