Be proactive

The first habit of a highly effective person. By being proactive you start any change in your live. Being proactive means thinking and acting with the future in mind. It’s a great way for avoiding mistakes down the road. Planning well for the future and for...

Breathe deep

A deep breath will give oxygen in your body which will enable you to do incredible things. When I want to do something that excites me or make me nervous, like speaking in public or bungee jump I take a deep breath. The energy just comes in and everything is...

Make promises

Make promises to your loved ones, your friend and your colleagues. And work hard to fulfil those promises. You should only make promises you know you can keep. So keep those promises. And the more promises you make and keep, the better you get at it. And then you can...

Volunteer time

Time is the most precious you have. You can not store it, you can not create it and when you spent it, it is gone. So when you volunteer time, you are giving something precious. Volunteering time can be as simple as helping a friend of family member with moving,...