
sometimes it comes sometimes it goes. If it goes you have to search for it again. Inspiration can be found in the little things like a mosquito flying in your room and annoying you. It can aspire you to also learn to fly or it can aspire you to be aggressive and hunt...

Stand out

By being yourself. Everyone is unique, there was nobody before you just like how you are and there will nobody like you after you. Standing out is your obligation to your uniqueness…

Make the impossible possible

It was impossible to speak at a large distance, until the telephone was invented. It was impossible to travel 100km/h, until the car was invented. It was impossible to go to the other side of the world in a vehicle within 24 hour, until the jet airplane was invented....

Don’t count on it

Don’t count on it that you can please everyone in the world. It is better you don’t count on it. You’d better try not to please everyone,  because that will be of a mediocre quality . It is better not to please many, and to produce the best and most...