by Ramón de Vries | May 24, 2011 | English, inspirational
Step back from the spotlight and evaluate your actions. Stepping back will help you to make better decisions. Step back so you can make room for others. They will appreciate this and give you more in return.
by Ramón de Vries | May 23, 2011 | English, inspirational
I live a busy life in the city. And sometimes I really need to experience nature. Enjoy the extended views of beautiful landscapes. Enjoy a nice song of a lovely bird. Walk in the woods and smell de sent of fresh leafs. Experience nature like it is meant to be…...
by Ramón de Vries | May 22, 2011 | English, inspirational
Learning can be slow or fast. It doesn’t matter if it is slow of fast, what does matter is you do it efficiently. Try to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. When something goes wrong, learn efficiently and get on.
by Ramón de Vries | May 21, 2011 | English, inspirational
Take a vacation from work, from the the daily chores. Plan to do something different from your daily activity so you can charge your batteries and get new inspiration.
by Ramón de Vries | May 20, 2011 | English, inspirational
The nonessentials can blur your vision and distract you: Too much blabla or just to much stuff. Just say it with the essential words and not more…
by Ramón de Vries | May 19, 2011 | English, inspirational
Be sincere in what you do and what you say. Don’t over-present or misrepresent the real you. Just be consistent in your way and only say what you really believe from your hart