Make contact

Make contact with strangers as they might be the door to new opportunity. Make contact to your family and loved ones as they can give you joy. Make contact to your inner-self, as there lies the true chance for change.

Don’t worry

We worry too much about the past, which we can not change. We worry too much about what’s unlikely to happen. And we worry too much about what other think. Ninety percent of our worries are needless.

Be interesting

Have something interesting to say. How can you be interesting? Well, by doing and reading a lot of different things. E.g. some years ago I let my jobs and went for travel. I ended up living for a couple of years in another country and culture. People I meet are...

Update resume

Asses what you learned the passed time and put it on your resume. If you did not learn something worthwhile, set the goal of learning something new and put it on your resume. Updating your resume can be the first step in your new life and reality, opening up new...

Know happiness

Happiness is not something you can pursuit, it is a by-product of diligent work and passion. When you are in a flow you most feel happy. Know those moments, and know your Happiness

Change focus

Sometimes you are focusing on a narrow subject. Working like a fanatic. To set yourself free and liberate your mind, you have the change focus. See the overall picture, and focus on new and sometimes more important things. You might see new details and get new...