by Ramón de Vries | Apr 18, 2011 | English, inspirational
If you don’t have goals you will never reach them. The habit of setting goals is what most successful people have in common. Some to it in written goals, others create a vision board. It doesn’t matter how you set your goals, just set them. Today I set the...
by Ramón de Vries | Feb 20, 2011 | English, inspirational, Video
This might give a good idea where ideas come...
by Ramón de Vries | Feb 18, 2011 | English, inspirational, Video
I come from a northern country, far away from the equator. Although raised catholic my surroundings were dominantly protestant. This affected my sense of time. My wife on the other hand was raised on the equator and she has an opposite concept of time. This video...
by Ramón de Vries | Feb 16, 2011 | English, inspirational, Video
Is money the big motivator? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t.. Check this video to see what’s motivating...
by Ramón de Vries | Nov 26, 2010 | English, inspirational
Today I went to a Harvey Nash workshop about Personal Branding. I did not know Richard Engelfriet, but he gave a refreshing talk about how people with a sole propriety company should brand themselves. Some of the advices were trivial, and others were eye-openers. I...
by Ramón de Vries | Nov 22, 2010 | English, inspirational, Video
David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails and partner of 37signals gave a very nice and refreshing talk on eCorner. Basicly you should create companies that scale and not impress. Size is not important, profitable is.