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Financial | Ramón de Vries

Say NO

Books are written about Getting to Yes. But sometime it is better to say NO. Say NO to overweight Say NO to smoking Say NO to drugs Say NO to television Say NO to mediocrity Say NO to interruption Say NO to small talk Say NO to not having a plan Say NO to not setting...

Financial Auto-Pilot

Today I just setup some auto-pilot payments towards debt payments and saving. I used to do manual payments from my Company to my private account. I planned to pay myself a fixed monthly payment just before I do my rental payment and debt payment. And the rest should...

No more credit, no more debt

I was inspired by Seth Godins post about credit and I discovered the site of Dave Ramsey. The last few days I read some of the web site and listened to some of Dave’s work on youtube and I got inspired. Just today I made a decision: I do not want more credit, I...