Reread books

Reread the best book you have read. Because with every reread you will refresh your memory and discover new insights. Repetition is the only way you can learn efficiently. And rereading a good book is always worth investing the time.

Assure yourself

That you can do it. That you have the knowledge, or are able to get the necessary knowledge to do it. You have to assure yourself that getting it done is simple and will not be easy, but it can be done.

Actively listen

Listening should not be passive, be interested in the other by listen actively. You can listen actively by asking probing questions, leaning toward the other and look him/her in the eyes. Use you body language and agree with an occasional yes.

Live urgently

Don’t wait for tomorrow what you urgent can do today: Say I’m sorry today. Call a friend today. Make savings today. Exercise today. Huge today. Smile today. Dance today

Step back

Step back from the spotlight and evaluate your actions. Stepping back will help you to make better decisions. Step back so you  can make room for others. They will appreciate this and give you more in return.

Experience nature

I live a busy life in the city. And sometimes I really need to experience nature. Enjoy the extended views of beautiful landscapes. Enjoy a nice song of a lovely bird. Walk in the woods and smell de sent of fresh leafs. Experience nature like it is meant to be…...

Learn efficiently

Learning can be slow or fast. It doesn’t matter if it is slow of fast, what does matter is you do it efficiently. Try to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. When something goes wrong, learn efficiently and get on.