Be sincere

Be sincere in what you do and what you say. Don’t over-present or misrepresent the real you. Just be consistent in your way and only say what you really believe from your hart

Contrain yourself

Constraints can make you more creative. Having unlimited resources will not motivate you in finding quick solutions. If you have limited resources you have to find more creative solutions. Constraints will help you to think out of the box. For example, you could...

Take initiative

Initiative starts things, great things. Just take initiative and be the great starter. A starter of small things that will have great change in the world. I once started a small change in my life, by going abroad for a 10 months planned trip. In the end the 10 months...

Give credit

Give credit to whom it belongs. You cannot achieve anything without the help of others. So when you give people credit, you will get more help in the future. When you give credit you are more humble, and people like humble people.

Be honest

You could lie to anyone. Try to hustle and bustle your way through life. But you have to be honest to yourself. You can fool anyone but yourself. If you’re a fake, you yourself will know it anyway. It is better to be honest. You don’t have to keep track of...

Be approachable

Be approachable for every one. From the cleaning lady up to the president of the country. One of the best ways to be approachable is not to be prejudge about anyone or anything. Have an open mind and don’t condemn anything. If you are not approachable you might...

Call someone

Call someone you love, you admire or you know but didn’t speak to for some time. It will do the other person good that you show interest in how they are doing. If you need advice you call also call someone, they will appreciate your trust in their wisdom.

Be proactive

The first habit of a highly effective person. By being proactive you start any change in your live. Being proactive means thinking and acting with the future in mind. It’s a great way for avoiding mistakes down the road. Planning well for the future and for...