Create precedents

What you did in the past will speak for you today. You should create precedents, precedent you can be proud of. The last couple of yours I created a lot of precedents in my work.I helped in project to build complex and sophisticated solutions from scratch for my...

Embrace happiness

Happiness is in the small things. A nice piece of music played on the street by a very good street musician. A good book that inspires you. A ray of sun light. The smile of your spouse and children. A realisation that you are lucky to be a life and healthy. Embrace...

How big is the US Debt…?

It is hard to visualize how big the debts is of different countries in the world, but to give you an idea take a look at If you stack the liabilities of the US government in a stack of 100 dollar bill you will get a tower higher then the twin...

Produce quality

Quality speaks for you. Quality products will make you customers want to return and buy again. Quality will make you proud of what you make and what you stand for… So produce quality whenever, whatever you make.

Mentor someone

Everyone is an expert in some area. With your experience you can mentor someone. While mentoring you will have to express your experiences and knowledge in understandable language. While rephrasing your words you will get new insights and so you will also learn...

Write letters

If you want to reach and touch someone you love, write a letter. The effort you will put in will get you a better letter. Hand written letter are so much more personal than e-mail. So take the time restore the old habit and write letters.

The challenge of leadership

“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude to be kind, but not weak to be bold, but not bully to be thoughtful, but not lazy to be humble, but not timid to be proud, but not arrogant to have humor, but without folly.” — Jim...

Don’t quit

What do most people when it gets hard? They complain about and then they quit.   When it gets hard you should what most people don’t do: Put in more effort and preserver, don’t quit because it gets hard.   You might be only a small step away from...

Act now

I cannot act on Yesterday because it is gone. I cannot act on Tomorrow because that is still not here. I can only act to Today, I can only act now.   So act now   Because  Today is the Tomorrow of Yesterday and the Yesterday of...

Carpe diem

Seize the day, as I will have only one change to enjoy the day. A day passed is a day passed and it will not come back to me. So it is better to enjoy in what you are doing because you will never know when is you last day.   Sometimes the challenges I encounter...


Sometimes things break, and then you have to fix it. A bike might break. A window may break. Yesterday I broke my server. I had to reinstall the OS and restore my data from a backup. I’ve almost restored it to its old glory, but I lost 5 days of posts which I...