Ask questions

If you don’t know how you should ask questions. Ask someone who did it before, ask someone how has a lot of experience. Ask some group, ask in a forum. Sometimes you should ask questions to yourself. Like: Why? Why do I want this. Why should I do this? Why not?...

Work out

To keep in shape you have to work out. But you should not just work out your physical body, also your mind needs a work out. Read or learn something new. Let you be surprised by something astonishing. find a new challenge.

Simplify things

Simplify things to the essential. The world is already too complex to understand. So why make it more complex? In engineering we like the KISS principle, “Keep It Simple, Stupid!” Let KISS be your life slogan.

Write something

It doesn’t matter what you write, but write something. To more you practice writing something the better you will get. and some day you might write something very interesting like a book, a poem or some wisdom.

Have purpose

Your purpose will give you direction. And directions will get you forward. People with a purpose are happier, healthier and more successful in life and they are the ones that change the world.