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inspirational | Ramón de Vries

Shame on me

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me Yesterday it was a shame on me incident. I got lured into an offer too good to be true and an offer I could not refuse. It was a nice day and while working in the garden I was caught of guard. I nice man...

Success is a journey

In this video I stumbled on today Brian Tracy lecture on why Success is a journey. Also he explains the “Seven rules to success” 1. Take action 2. Always forward, never backward 3. The onlty time you have is NOW 4. Fly with the eagles 5. Obstacles and...

The habitualist.com part 2

A few days ago I wrote about the habitualist.com. I have used it for more than 2 weeks now, and I must say it is very nice. The interface is simple and clean, I like it very much. It helped to improve habits I already had, and it helps me developing new...