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Video | Ramón de Vries

The filter bubble web is sneaking on us

I am very international because I have a server located in Germany, I live in Belgium and mostly work in the Netherlands. I noticed that the internet is different in those countries. When I use my proxy in Germany I cannot see a lot of youtube video’s because a...

Success is a journey

In this video I stumbled on today Brian Tracy lecture on why Success is a journey. Also he explains the “Seven rules to success” 1. Take action 2. Always forward, never backward 3. The onlty time you have is NOW 4. Fly with the eagles 5. Obstacles and...

We all are creative

I’m a creative person. I don’t paint with paint, but IT systems are my canvas. And I find creative solutions to complex IT challenges. Today I found the very creative solution by Doug Dietz. See his creative and beautiful solution at 6 min 20 of this nice...