Keep calm

Your children got crazy and you cannot handle them Your wife is angry and shouts at you You are late for work and the traffic jam is unbearable The deadline you got is approaching rapidly What should you do? Whatever happens, keep calm. Panic and stress won’t...

Surf smart

The internet is a vast source of information and entertainment. You have to control your surfing in a smart way. Otherwise you will loose your precious time. One of my ways of smarter surfing is blocking most of my sinful and wasting websites. Especially the website...

Start anew

I slipped in to a rot. Slowly, step by step my situation got worse. Somehow I did not notice it, and it sneak up to me. Now I stop this situation and start anew. A new challenge and a new project. To stop the decay and renew myself. Today I decided to start anew....

Take pictures

Taking pictures doesn’t cost as much as it used to cost. You had to buy a film and when done develop the pictures. This process had a hefty price tag. That’s one of the reasons I don’t have that many pictures of my youth. But now it is basically free...

Educate yourself

As Jim Rohn said it nicely: “Formal Education will make you an living, Self Education will make you fortune.” I did not stop learning after finishing university, I really started to learn after discovering a vast amount of interesting...

Breed confidence

Confidence does not come by itself, you need to nurture and feed it. The best way to breed confidence is to practice hard and a lot. By practising the number of mistakes will decrease, and the less mistakes you make the more confidence you will get.

No regrets

I don’t regret the things I did, because I was not passive. I don’t want to have regrets of the things I didn’t do. I don’t want to have regrets of what I didn’t say. So I do the things I want and need to do and say.

Make associations

Associations are a way of connecting with people. My family is one of the first associations I made in me life. It gave me a stimulating environment to grow, I did not have to do much to create this association. My first group of friends was my first voluntary...

Know yourself

The best investment you probably can you is investing time and effort to know yourself. So ask yourself the following questions, and try to answer them: What do you like? What do you dislike? What are you good in? What are you terrible in? What can you do? What...

Say NO

Books are written about Getting to Yes. But sometime it is better to say NO. Say NO to overweight Say NO to smoking Say NO to drugs Say NO to television Say NO to mediocrity Say NO to interruption Say NO to small talk Say NO to not having a plan Say NO to not setting...